Any one have any ideas on the following? Thanks up front for any input.
I have an object called Amount. It is most definitely a measure and its definition is Sum(Amount) with a projection of Sum.
I need to be able to place restrictions on the Unaggregated Amount so that it appears in the WHERE clause and not the HAVING clause. So I have another object called Amount (UnAggregated) and its definition is simply AMOUNT.
A) Is this second object a measure or a dimension? If a measure I assume I set the aggregation to SUM.
B) Are there any good tips around about how one should name objects of this nature, i.e. where you need both the aggregated object and the unaggregated object.
c) How can I best organise my objects when I have a load of aggregated ones and unaggregated ones so that my universe doesnt look cluttered.
d) Should one bend over backwards to use @Select when building objects instead of referring to the base table? Im trying my best to minimise maintenance by pointing to objects that Ive created but I dont know if its overkill.
Grantie (BOB member since 2004-07-01)