Adobe Distiller color translation


BO 4.1, WinNT 4.0 client, Sybase 11.0 data warehouse

I use Adobe Distiller to create pdf files for my Business Objects reports - no problem creating the files. Unfortunately, the color translation between BO and Distiller leaves a lot to be desired. All the shaded regions in the BO report translate as a dark shade of gray in the pdf file. We can work around this problem by removing all the shading before sending a report to Distiller.

Adobe’s tech support people have stated that translation of fill colors in a known problem with the distiller product, especially with Microsoft products such as Excel.

Has anybody found a better work around than creating the reports in black and white?


Jay Clise
Sandia National Labs
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Jay Clise posts a note on his problem with Adobe color. I have posted the same bug in prior ListServ announcements, with no luck as to a real resolution. I have, however, some comments:

If you actually print your document, it will appear in color on the printout. The display is what’s buggy.

You’re right about BACKGROUND colors, they do not show up properly. However, fonts that are in color show up correctly, as do embedded pictures in color. I don’t know about foreground - which is different from text font.

And the kicker, now: I think it’s related to Windows NT. Are you running NT? I do here, and BO people say that all is fine under '95, and not under NT (4.0, in my case).

Finally, the color bug is NOT apparent with Excel, contrary to what BO may have told you. Excel displays and prints fine.

Happy dabbling!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)