adding an ID to reports' distribution lists

I am looking to add an ID to all scheduled jobs but this SQL doesn’t seem to be working as no jobs are being received by the ID:

insert into boprd.ds_user_list(document_id, user_id)
(select distinct(l.document_id), 5809
from boprd.ds_user_list l,  boprd.ds_pending_job j
where l.document_id = j.document_id
and j.frequency not in (4,6)
and j.user_submit_id not in (5301,5302,5303)
and l.user_id != 5809)

Yet it appears that the ID should be getting the reports:

select distinct user_id, document_id, m_doc_c_name from
obj_m_documents.m_doc_n_id = ds_user_list.document_id
user_id = 5809

What am I missing? :confused:

csievert :denmark: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)