Adding a User (who was removed)

We are trying to add a user who I believe has been ‘removed from group’ instead of deleted. As a result, when we try to search for this user, we cannot find him, and if we try to add him we receive the following error message:

A user/group with that name already exists

When we select User from the Menu Bar and select Properties, we are still unable to see the user on the Users and Profile tab. Does anyone know how to tackle this one?

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

Are you loggind as general supervisor or as a supervisor at a group level.

If you are logging as a group level supervisor then you wont be able to see that user if he is linked at some other group level.

If you are logging with Gen Sup Id then you should be able to see him if not then do a scan an repair on the repository that might clear things up.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

If you can’t find the user it sounds like the account was deleted and not just removed from a group. You will not be able to add that exact user account again without doing a scan/repair/compact.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I attempted to do the Scan/Repair/Compact on the Business Objects Security Domain, but it did not work. I am still unable to add the user. Is there a different Domain that I need to run the scan/repair/compact?

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

What happenend? Did you get some type of error. This is where your user/security infomation is stored.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Yes, we received the same error message. I guess we may be doing our scan/repair/compact incorrectly. How do you guys do this?

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

In short,

Supervisor - Tools/Repository select your security domain and fire away.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Yup, that’s the way we’re doing it but we’re still receiving the same message and can’t add the user.

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

I’m confused about why you would see that message during an SRC. You might try upping your reporting level to get more details.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

No, when we are running the scan/repair/compact successfully. When we go back to add the user to the group, after re-opening supervisor, we are receiving the same message:

A user/group with that name already exists

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

Scratch what I just said, we do receive the following message during the scan:

User xyz123 has no link.

indy (BOB member since 2004-04-08)

:reallymad: I am getting the same error message now. Was this ever resolved? What should my next step be? :idea:


Starting repair…
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTOR.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTORLINK.
User SXS has no link.
THEN NOTHING! :crazy_face:

SCAN WORKS, But you can see the error message. :expressionless:

Starting scan …
Press ‘Esc’ to abort.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTOR.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTORLINK.
User SXS has no link.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_REPODOC.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTORTMS.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_CONNECTION.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_CONNECTDATA.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_UNIVERSES.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_REPOSITORY.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_REPOLINK.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_UNIVLINK.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_UNIVCST.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_UNIVSLC.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_UNIVDBCST.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_RESERVATION.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_RESLINK.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_TIMESTAMP.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_REPODOCBATCH.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_ACTOR_DOC.
Loading data from table DS_PENDING_JOB.
Loading data from table DS_USER_LIST.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_GENPAR.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_DOCAT.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_DOCATVAR.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_CATEG.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_DOCCATEG.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_CHANNEL.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_DASACTOR.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_OBJSLICE.
Loading data from table OBJ_M_MAGICID.
Operation successful.

Barry D. Beaton :us: (BOB member since 2002-07-19)

:lol: found it,
The user still had active documents sitting in Broadcast Agent under the old ID.
Once I saved the documents, and then deleted them from the domain, I was able to successfully run the Scan and Repair. :shock:
And to tell the truth, :oops: I found the answer on the BusObj Tech support page. :rotf:

Barry D. Beaton :us: (BOB member since 2002-07-19)