Can your repository database live on a unix platform? I realize that you can only run Supervisor (client tools) on windows. I am in the process of installing 6.1b on unix and am to the point where a repository needs to be built. I am wondering if the rep db can be db2 udb on an aix platform.
Also, can you only get Supervisor from a Windows server installation download?
Brief answer:
Yes, it can. At my client’s site have the Business Objects repository is hosted on UDB on AIX.
Supervisor must be installed on a Windows platform, and all DB middleware needs to be installed and configured as well, so your Windows PC can access the DBMS on AIX. Then you should be able to create a Business Objects repository on your DBMS (assuming your connection has sufficient database rights/privileges).
I am not sure though which DBMS (Oracle, IBM UDB, etc.) are supported under v61b as a Business Objects repository.