BusinessObjects Board

Excel export using VB macros not working

I am using this code for excel export. I am getting error when i copying the sheet from one work book to final workbook.

" source_workbook.Worksheets.Move Before:=final_workbook.Worksheets(“Sheet1”) "
Can anyone help on this…?
Thanks in advance.

Sub expToExcel()
'Things to Add
'Add a sheet in the final Excel file depending upon the number of books in the report
'as by defalut there
Dim doc As Document
Dim rep As Report
Dim HtmlFile As String
Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
Dim excelfinal As Excel.Application
Dim excelsource As Excel.Application
Dim source_workbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim final_workbook As Excel.Workbook
Set excelfinal = New Excel.Application
Set excelsource = New Excel.Application
Set final_workbook = excelfinal.Workbooks.Add 'this is the final workbook that we are going to use

'Declare a FSO to kill the Master file
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If fso.fileexists(“c:\master.xls”) Then fso.deletefile (“c:\master.xls”)

Set doc = ActiveDocument
Path = “C:”
Set excelsource = New Excel.Application
'Now loop through each report and save it as temp text file
For i = 1 To doc.Reports.Count
Set rep = doc.Reports(i)
rep.ExportAsText (“C:” & rep.Name & “.txt”)

                         Set source_workbook = excelsource.Workbooks.Open("c:\" & rep.Name & ".txt")
                         source_workbook.Worksheets.Move Before:=final_workbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
                        If i = 1 Then
                            final_workbook.SaveAs ("c:\Master.xls")
                        End If
                    Kill ("c:\" & rep.Name & ".txt")
                    'Set excelsource = Nothing
            Next i
        Set excelfinal = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set excelfinal = Nothing
        Set excelsource = Nothing
        MsgBox ("Master Excel File Created")

End Sub

psk (BOB member since 2004-08-04)

i look. :smiley:
but i ve the same error… :lol:

laguiff :fr: (BOB member since 2005-05-13)

source_workbook.Worksheets.Move Before:=final_workbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 

i think you can’t move Worksheet from a workbook to another workbook…

laguiff :fr: (BOB member since 2005-05-13)

Try this:

source_workbook.Sheets(1).Move _

You should really break this up into a couple of functions or at least make the code a little easier to read.

This is the code I use to achieve a similar goal to yourself, except using after instead of before:

Create the four documents in the array on your c drive to test the code. I call this function normally by passing in the main document and the merging document.

Sub MergeExcelFiles()

On Error GoTo MergeExcelFiles_err

    Dim i, n, k, m, c As Integer
    Dim savepath As String
    Dim filename(1 To 4) As Variant
    Dim result As Boolean
    ReDim filenamedeletions(0) As Variant
    Open savepath & "MergeExcelFiles.log" For Output As #3
    Print #3, "MergeExcelFiles commenced at " & Time
    result = True ' assume no errors at start
    savepath = "c:\" ' set the savepath
    Dim ExcelApp As Object
    Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    ExcelApp.Visible = False
    ExcelApp.Interactive = False
    ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False

    On Error GoTo FileNotMerged_Err

        ' list of text files to merge
        filename(1) = "HoldingDocument.xls"
        filename(2) = "FirstToBeMerged.xls"
        filename(3) = "SecondToBeMerged.xls"
        filename(4) = "ThirdToBeMerged.xls"

        'open first document to be used for the others to merge into
        With ExcelApp.Workbooks
            .Open (savepath & filename(1)) ' this case fielname(1)
            ReDim Preserve filenamedeletions(UBound(filenamedeletions) + 1)
            filenamedeletions(UBound(filenamedeletions)) = savepath & filename(1) ' add into deletions
        End With

        ' merge document 2 onwards into document 1
        For i = 2 To 4

            With ExcelApp.Workbooks
                .Open (savepath & filename(i))
                ReDim Preserve filenamedeletions(UBound(filenamedeletions) + 1)
                filenamedeletions(UBound(filenamedeletions)) = savepath & filename(i) ' add into deletions
            End With

            ExcelApp.Workbooks(filename(i)).Sheets(1).Move _
            After:=ExcelApp.Workbooks(filename(1)).Sheets(i - 1)

        Next i

        'rename the worksheets
        ExcelApp.Sheets(1).Name = "number 1"
        ExcelApp.Sheets(2).Name = "number 2"
        ExcelApp.Sheets(3).Name = "number 3"
        ExcelApp.Sheets(4).Name = "number 4"
        'save the merged document
        ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=(savepath & "TheMergedDocument.xls"), FileFormat:=xlNormal
        Print #3, Chr(9) & " Excel save completed at " & Time
    GoTo all_err_end 'Always go to this error regardless to close any open excel docs

Print #3, Chr(9) & "File: " & filename(i) & " failed " & " " & Time
    result = False ' register an error here
    Resume all_err_end ' continue to next error handler all_err_end
            On Error GoTo 0 'reset error flag
            ExcelApp.Workbooks.Close ' close all open workbooks

    ' delete the excel files left behind
    If result = True Then
        For k = 1 To UBound(filenamedeletions)
            Kill filenamedeletions(k)
        Next k
    End If

    ' write result to log file
    If result = True Then
        Print #3, "MergeExcelFiles completed with NO errors at " & Time
        Print #3, "MergeExcelFiles completed with errors at " & Time
    End If

MergeExcelFiles_err: ' always come here

        ' close and destroy open objects
        Set ExcelApp = Nothing
        Set fso = Nothing
    ' write result to log file
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Print #3, "MergeExcelFiles ended with Fatal Error: " &amp; Err.Number &amp; " - " &amp; Err.Description &amp; " " &amp; Time
    End If
    Close #3 ' close log file
End Sub

jonathanstokes (BOB member since 2004-09-17)