BusinessObjects Board

Main menu bar disappeared


In the designer module my main menu is disappeared. Now I am accessing the menu only through the hot keys like ALT-F for file. Any one please help me out to solve this problem.

I am using BO 6.0.0 with Oracle 9i.

Any solution to this would be highly appreciated.

Thanx in advance.


Raja Rajan (BOB member since 2004-06-10)

Check if you have unchecked this in toolbar option.If it doesn’t work restart your mcahine.Even if it fails you need to go for fresh installation.


pranaya (BOB member since 2004-05-12)


My colleague is facing exactly the same problem on her PC.

She has to use the CTR+F solution since more than 3 months.

A full re-install is perhaps a good idea but the only official Business Object CD is kept by the BO admin as a treasure. :twisted:

So we try to avoid this procedure. :nonod:

If anybody has a better method, don’t hesitate to inform us.



francoisbyvoet :belgium: (BOB member since 2004-06-01)

There’s a workaround for this by pressing ALT+F11 to invoke the visual basic editor and Press CTRL + G. Then type application.cmdbars.activemenubar.visible = true and click enter

Or if you have problems lauching the VB editor from Designer (I have) you may be a able to reference from a VBA host app (like Excel) - Tools/References/BO Designer and then follow the directions above.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

This won’t work from Designer, since it’s not a VBA host. You’ll have to use BusObj or Excel (or other VBA host), set a reference to Designer, start a session of Designer, and then do the “trick” described previously.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)


Did you get it to working???

I don’t think ActiveMenubar property is there for Designer App… That trick should work for Reporter module though…

Sridharan :india: (BOB member since 2002-11-08)

what Sridharan is saying is absolutely correct. ActiveMenuBar property is not there for designer. I tried tha trick but its not working.So please give me any other solution.

Thanx in advance.


Raja Rajan (BOB member since 2004-06-10)

Agreed … I just assumed it would be the same as Reporter. Silly me.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

It’s quite likely a registry setting. I don’t have time to tinker with that at the moment, but if you compare the settings between a working and broken machine (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\design\DESIGNER, I think), it might give you a clue.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

I know this is a pretty old thread, but did anyone figure out a way to fix this? I had it happen in reporter and fixed it there, but now it’s disappeared in designer too and I can’t get it back.


Angie (BOB member since 2003-11-19)


I know its a pretty old thread, but still any luck in getting back the missing main menu bar in Designer. 

Reinstallation is the last resort; if anybody faced the same problem and able to fix it without reinstallation, please post the idea in BOB, it would be helpful to everyone.


palepuravi :india: (BOB member since 2003-10-28)

hu… when I rememer right for the reporter you had to delete a certain registry key/branch …
doesn’t this work here to?

If you try it … be shure to backup your registry first!
Reinstalling would possibly not work if an old registrysetting is blocking it…

Wobi - just guessing…

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

In BusinessObjects version 5.x:

  • Delete …folder of the module ; “busobj”, “design” or “superv”:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0

In BusinessObjects version 6.x:
Delete the following System Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 6.0\default\BusinessObjects\Application Preferences\Business Reporter\BusinessObjects

  • Wobi

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

Hi Wobi,

Thanks for the tip. I done the following stuff and it worked:

Deleted the following folder from the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 6.0\default\BusinessObjects\Application Preferences\BusinessDesigner

Thanks once again.


palepuravi :india: (BOB member since 2003-10-28)

The same happened to me today - I resolved it by deleting any registry folders that had a name of a userid or the word settings or preferences.
Worked ok - let me know if you want specific folder names.


MikeD :south_africa: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)


Please post the folder names if you have them. I am experiencing the same prob in Designer, although I can log in as another user and not have the problem. This is the second time and the last time BO support killed my installation with improper registry deletes. I had to reimage my PC in order to get BusinessObjects working again. :reallymad:

BadgerMN (BOB member since 2004-12-29)

I used the registry folder specified by palepuravi and it worked. You might wan to try that ? And do a backup of registry first as usual.

By the way, anyone knows what is the cause of this (if it is too technical to explain then it’s alrite :slight_smile: )? Seem to be a random occurence ?


krondor (BOB member since 2005-02-28)

Thank you so much.
I had the same problem on Desktop Intelligence XI R2, now it works!!
Bye and thank you again :slight_smile:

bagnino :it: (BOB member since 2008-05-26)

Well I tried the Vba aproach and it seemed to work:

I created an excel sheet , introduced a form with a button
added BOdesigner to the references and then added this code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim d As Designer.Application
Set d = New Designer.Application

For i = 1 To d.CmdBars.Count

d.CmdBars.Item(i).Visible = True

Next i
End Sub

pushed the button and the menubar was back.


Gaetan Maerten

gmaerten :belgium: (BOB member since 2009-12-15)