BusinessObjects Board

Month number and day number from date

Hi guys
what is the formula I can use to get the month number and day number from a date? I need to have a calculated column in my universe layer…


nutty (BOB member since 2015-10-19)

What is your data source?

Microsoft SQL server 2012 database

nutty (BOB member since 2015-10-19)

Have a look at MSDN Books Online about the datepart function:

If you create objects with getdate() then they won’t parse but you can still use them and they will work as long as you have one table-based object in your query.

this does not work :frowning:

here is how I am using it in the universe layer:

      then datepart(mm,todate(@catalog('EDW')."SDDWPR01.dbo"."DIM_POLICY"."BILL_EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE")) 

and also, the universe is multi-source

[Moderator Edit: Added code formatting - Andreas]

nutty (BOB member since 2015-10-19)

Makes all the difference!

My one attempt in a multi-source oracle/SQL Server UNX - and the code required for objects was a little … unique! I cobbled together what I needed from this site:


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)