BusinessObjects Board

[BODS 12.1] Data Transfer bug?

OS: Unix
BODS: 12.1.0
DB: Oracle 11g

Hi All,

I have a problem using the data transfer transform. I added a DT to pushdown a join operation to the DWH database.
Transfer type = Table; i also declared the table_name as a table in the same datastore as the other source table.

Printscreens in the attachements…

However, when i start the job it shows:
5252 1 DFCOMM 31-03-2010 15:45:26 The Automatic Data_Transfer transform <q_sel_aanlevering_q_sel_aanlev> has been resolved to a transfer object
5252 1 DFCOMM 31-03-2010 15:45:26 <DT__1234_5370_1_1(DSA_CH_ANZ.DWCHANZ)>.
5252 1 DFCOMM 31-03-2010 15:45:26 Starting sub data flow <DF_SCDT_DKN_VERZ_INSCHR_MANZ_transfer_1> on job server host , port <3500>. Distribution level
5252 1 DFCOMM 31-03-2010 15:45:26 .

It isn’t automatic! The transfer_type= table.

Following thing that happens:

  • It takes the first random DS with the “enable automatic data transfer” enabled" (and raises an error because the dbuser has insufficient priviliges)

The datastores ofcourse shouldnt have this option enabled… but the real question is: why is BODS choosing the automatic mode??

Things i tried:

  • rebuilding the DT transform
  • Creating the DT tabel manually and disabling the recreate option.
    Didnt help…


BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

I have received a reply to the call i logged to SAP:

After some investigation work to reproduce the issue, I found this is actually not a problem. The message <#5252 1 DFCOMM 31-03-2010 15:45:26 The Automatic Data_Transfer transform <q_sel_aanlevering_q_sel_aanlev> has been resolved to a <Table> transfer object# > is actually referring to
a tempory data tranfer transform named [b]#q_sel_aanlevering_q_sel_aanlev #[/b] (not the one designed in the dataflow with name #Data Transfer#), [b]this
internal data transfer is added to optimize the dataflow to utilize the
pushdown operation[/b]. So the problem here is to create a datastore intended for automatic data transfer with proper DB privilege. In my environment, after setup all necessary datastores, I can run this job successfully.

The supportdesk states BODS automatically adds data transfer objects to DF’s when it ‘thinks’ it is faster. Sow… In the presented example we would have 2 data transfers (DT):

  • The defined DT
  • The internal/ automatic created DT

This is totally new for me. I haven’t ever seen BODS does a trick like this. Can somebody confirm this is indeed default BODS behaviour?

If sow… why?? In this case it isn’t even faster because only extra I/O is generated. Can i disable it?

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

Imagine you have one dataflow like yours and you want to split it at the point where you added the DataTransfer manually. As your flow has two paths coming from a split and merged later, the first dataflow needs to stage the data of the second path somewhere. We add a second DataTransfer automatically in such a case.

Can you prevent that? No, if there should be two dataflows and the split should happen at that location, it would be logically impossible.


Werner Daehn :de: (BOB member since 2004-12-17)

Hi Werner, i understand there has to be a point where the splitted dataflow has to store its data. However, i don’t understand why bods internally creates a data_transfer and decides to store it in a table in a datastore which is on a whole different database (it seems to pick one randomly). It would make more sense if it used a table in the same datastore as one of tjhe joining tables


  1. Can you explain when the data_transfer is automatically used and how it decides to do a file or table DT type?
  2. Am i right if i say the previous bodi versions never (automatically) used a table as a data_transfer?

Thanks for you reply!

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

Ah, see your point.

1a) Automatically only in above case a DT in one path but not in the other.
1b) How the automatic mode works, so which datastore to use or files etc I have no answer for.

  1. No, that was the feature design right from the start, I rememver all the meetings with development about that.

Let me make a suggestion: You add a second Data_Transfer for the second path with the settings of your choice. That would give you back full control. Agreed?

Werner Daehn :de: (BOB member since 2004-12-17)

Agreed, i think that is going to solve the problem. I will try it right a way tomorrow.

Thanks Werner!

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

In the meantime development read through the thread and believes you found a bug. An ADAPT case was created.

Werner Daehn :de: (BOB member since 2004-12-17)

The support for Data Services has been very impressive over the years. I have worked with Microsoft DTS/SSIS and Informatica PowerCenter … I could only dream of an interactive platform with the product managers or the development team to discuss possible bugs etc!!

But at Microsoft, the product managers are too busy to create a new set of shiny power points for the next TechEd session on how wonderful SSIS is… :hb:

ErikR :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2007-01-10)

Werner, as you suggested moving the data_transfer back worked! (Actually this is a better place for the DT because now the two flows can pushdown their sql.)

After moving the DT i think i found a different bug. Printscreens attached. Error messsage:
21203 1 DBS-054003 27-04-2010 15:58:55 > failed. The database error message is <SQL submitted to Oracle Server resulted in error <ORA-00972: identifier is too long

Bods aliasses the DT but generates an alias which is too long for Oracle (>30 characters). Here is the part of the sql which is generated (and fails):

FROM "DWAPP"."DKN_DT_VERZ_INSCHR_TEMP" "Data_Transfer_q_sel_aanleverin_1"

Data_Transfer_q_sel_aanleverin_1 is too long. The workaround is easy: rename the prefacing transform (in this case) to a shorter name. “DATA_TRANSFER”_ has to be max 30 chars (in case of an Oracle RDBMS).

Werner do you agree?

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)


Or in other words: Yes.

Werner Daehn :de: (BOB member since 2004-12-17)

a, don’t sweat it. That sounds like an easy one ;).

  • Could you give the ADAPT numbers sow i can monitor them in the release notes?
  • I’ll respond to the sap note i opened to make sure the SAP knowledge base is also complete.

Thanks for you assistence (again). IMHO, the value of this kind of support is greatly underestimated, keep up the good work.

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

For completeness:

The bug found with the identifier to long:
"For the identifier too long issue, this is something we know about. The
problem is already fixed in the 11.7.3.x code line, the same bug will also be fixed in in November. ADAPT number is ADAPT01387906.

The other thing where the jobserver chooses a more or less random DS for the automatic data transfer – issue is being adressed by development. Is it not a bug, so perhaps it is improved in a next release.

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

Thanks for the update.

Werner: just curious but how can something that’s fixed in 11.7.3 not be fixed in 12.2.2?

Surely development must merge hotfix updates with the code base of any new product in development?

ErikR :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2007-01-10)

That’s an accident then.

It is years ago and all we have is the code. We take that and create a new branch for A year later when is released, there have been fixpacks for the 11.7 release in the meantime, so we are in for example. At multiple points in time before the testing really starts with the new release, all code is rebased with the code to make sure the same issues fixed in 11.7.2 are fixed in 12.0 as well. To some degree this is a manual process as one source code file might have been changed for 11.7.2 and for 12.0.

From then on, both branches are completely separate, everything you do in 11.7.3 is not automatically merged with 12.0. Therefore we either fix issues only in the new version or we have to modify both code lines. There is an higher probability something is overlooked then.

Should not happen but…

Werner Daehn :de: (BOB member since 2004-12-17)


I know that this post is rather old, but we are facing now (after 6 years of using DI/DS) the same problem reported, so my question is:

Is there a way to disable this “feature”(?) ? If it is possible, at the DF level.

We’re using DS



aidelia :argentina: (BOB member since 2006-02-02)

We currently have both behaviours in BODS 4.0 SP3 Patch 5:

  • Generation of automatic data transfers in random datastores
  • BODS using aliases for automatic DT’s and using a length more than 30 characters

With other words: perfect code management by SAP, that bugs returns after 2 major versions, at the end of the life cycle of your major version.

Johannes Vink :netherlands: (BOB member since 2012-03-20)

That’s disappointing. Bad codebranching and configuration management. In general i am displeased with the software quality of the latest BODS versions. It used to be only the BOE/BOXI guys with the I-cant-deliver-because-of-bugs issues… Past 1-2 years i am joining their club. Bods 3.1 isn’t supported anymore but it is much more stable compared to the latest versions.

@Johannes, next week i’ll do some testing if the issues are resolved (again) in Bods 4.2. I already noticed there is a new bug regarding the datatransfer. We can’t change /set the name for a datatransfertable.

BBatenburg :netherlands: (BOB member since 2008-09-22)

Probably only in the BODS 4.0 SP3 stack at the end. Patch 3 does not have the problem, patch 5 does. Otherwise the forum would be full with complaints…

Do you happen to remember the ADAPT for the automatic data transfer behaviour? The ADAPT for the alias too long for Oracle is listed in this topic.

Johannes Vink :netherlands: (BOB member since 2012-03-20)