BusinessObjects Board

Export Report Tabs to MS Excel

The following code will process a document and export each individual report tab to MS Excel. It is currently done in the “AfterRefresh” event but could be called as a subroutine instead.

Original Author: Unknown
Original Author Comments:

Private Sub Document_AfterRefresh()

On Error GoTo error_handler

Dim Doc As Document
Dim Rep As Report
Dim i As Integer
Dim ExcelDoc As String 'Stores the name of the Excel document to copy all report tabs to
Dim Path As String 'Stores the path in while the Excel files are created.
Dim MailTo As String 'Stores the name of the person who is to receive the report via e-mail

ExcelDoc = "ex_multi_tab" 'The name of the Excel document you plan to send to user(s) through e-mail.
Path = "\\ServerOrFolderName\"  'The path on your PC that you wish to save the Excel document to.  Leave off the letter and just include the path.
'Path = "\\Server\FolderName"  'The path if you plan to scheduling this document on the Broadcast Agent server
MailTo = "Outlook UserName" ' Use this MailTo address if e-mailing an internal user who does not have access to the internet.
'MailTo = ""  'Use this MailTo if e-mailing someone who has an internet address.

'Save report tabs as text files
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To Doc.Reports.Count
  Set Rep = Doc.Reports.Item(i)
 If Dir(Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".txt") <> " " Then
    Kill Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".txt"
  End If
  Rep.ExportAsText (Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".txt")
Next i

Set vbExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With vbExcel
'Create a new workbook to import text files into
  If Dir(Path &amp; ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls") <> " " Then
    Kill Path &amp; ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls"
  End If
  .ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Path &amp; ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls"
'Open source workbook, save as an Excel file, and import into destination Excel file.
For i = 1 To Doc.Reports.Count
  Set Rep = Doc.Reports.Item(i)
  .Workbooks.Open Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".txt"
  If Dir(Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".xls") <> " " Then
    Kill Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".xls"
  End If
  .ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".xls"
  'Copy worksheets to the destination Excel document
    .Workbooks(Rep.Name &amp; ".xls").Sheets(Rep.Name).Move _
      Before:=.Workbooks(ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls").Sheets("Sheet1")
Next i
'Save workbooks
  '.Workbooks(ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls").Sheets("Sheet1").Delete
  '.Workbooks(ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls").Sheets("Sheet2").Delete
  '.Workbooks(ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls").Sheets("Sheet3").Delete
'Close both workbooks
'Close Excel application object
End With
  'Release object variable to free memory
  Set vbExcel = Nothing

'Send Through Outlook

Set OlkApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set NewMail = OlkApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set Attachments = NewMail.Attachments

Attachments.Add (Path &amp; ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls")

With NewMail
.To = MailTo
.Body = "Your multiple-tab report is attached and available for viewing in Excel."
.Subject = "Sample - download multiple tab report and send via email"
.Importance = 1
End With
Set OlkApp = Nothing

'Delete files used to create the e-mail attachment
  Kill Path &amp; ExcelDoc &amp; ".xls"
  For i = 1 To Doc.Reports.Count
    Set Rep = Doc.Reports.Item(i)
    Kill Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".txt"
    Kill Path &amp; Rep.Name &amp; ".xls"
  Next i

'Export Completed

Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 53 Then Resume Next
  MsgBox Err.Number &amp; " - " &amp; Err.Description
  Set vbExcel = Nothing
    Set OlkApp = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Document_BeforeSave(Cancel As Boolean)

End Sub (20.0 KB)

BOB Downloads (BOB member since 2003-05-05)