BusinessObjects Board

Using DeskI on Laptop with additional monitor

I searched for this but could not find anything, and to be honest, I was not sure where to post this question.

We use Dell laptops with docking stations and external desktop monitors. I run an extended desktop with my laptop as my primary and the desktop as my secondary screen. I keep my email and other programs up on my laptop and do my Business Objects work on my desktop monitor. This works great until I undock from the docking station.

If I go to a meeting or work from home without a docking station, and open Business Objects on my laptop Business Objects gets confused.

The program will open on my laptop but if I try to create a new query, or edit a report and open the query window, Business Objects remembers that it was in the extended screen. I am not able to proceed with my report building because I cannot see the query window.

Is there a trick to telling Business Objects that I have only one screen active after it has been removed from the docking station? I can do it with several steps if I remember do it before I remove it from the station, but if I remove it in a rush and run to a meeting, I am “stuck”.

We are using Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for mobile.

Thanks in advance for any assistance

REB01 :us: (BOB member since 2004-11-29)


What helped me was to use the following when any of the BO windows (query panel, …) is active but is not on the main screen:

  1. Press Alt+Space
  2. Press M
  3. Use arrows to move the window back to your main/active screen

This only works when the window is not maximized.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Thank you Marek, that worked. Sweet trick…

REB01 :us: (BOB member since 2004-11-29)

Any other suggestions ??

I am running Windows 7 on a DELL attached to a Docking station.
My Designer is locked when I try to open any properties window. I am guessing it is going to a second screeen but since I don’t have one connected Designer Locks.

I really really really HATE Windows 7 (and DELL).

So many workarounds as opposed to XP :frowning:

ColumbiaIT (BOB member since 2011-06-15)

In Windows 7:

Windows logo key +Shift+Left/Right arrows

Will move the active window to the other monitor.

digpen :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Also, you can reset your user preferences by deleting the registry key for your user id under Business Objects. If you look at that “tree”, you’ll see all your preferences - window location, menu options, etc - just delete the user and below. Depending on version, it’s like BO/suite 12.0/default/businessObjects, then look for your user name…

If you set up anything odd, eg maybe a different “Save” location, you’ll have to set that back up, but at least all your screens will be on the default monitor.

Just an option,


bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Thanks for the responses, I will try it and keep my fingers crossed.


ColumbiaIT (BOB member since 2011-06-15)