BusinessObjects Board

How to use userresponce function in if then else condition?


How can we use userresponce in If condition.Any one give me a idea?!

kumar123 (BOB member since 2007-08-19)

Let us consider the following. User is going to enter a value for Emp Name in the prompt showing the text “Please select an Emp Name”…

Then create a variable

name = UserResponse(DataProvider Name, "Please select an Emp Name")

Now use this variable for If

=If(<name>="Jansi") Then "Hai Jansi" Else "Hai"

Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

Hi Jansi,

=UserResponse (“Query 1 with beach” , “table or chart?”)

this is the function i am using.My requriment is,if user select table it should display table and user select chart it should be display char.I want to use conditional function for hiding.

when i am using IF THEN ELSE it showing error.The error is "Bad vaiable type,you must create a boolean variable ".

What can i do ? :hb:

kumar123 (BOB member since 2007-08-19)

You should have told this before… It is ok… You can achieve it… See this for more information. Actually in hiding condition there should not be If Else :slight_smile:

Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

I am not getting any idea to hide the table by using condition?Can u help me Plz.

kumar123 (BOB member since 2007-08-19)

First of all let me know this… I guess you are working with Desk-I… Aren’t you? If yes, then create a variable say for e.g. usr.

usr=UserResponse ("Query 1 with beach" , "table or chart?")

Did you try the below steps suggested in that link?

  1. click the block you want to hide
    2)Go to Format -> Table
    3)Click Appearance tab
    4)You can see a check box, Hide Block. Are you seeing?
    5)Check that check box
    6)You can see a button Edit below that along with a blank text box.
    7)Click that Edit, a box opens.
    Type this in this box

Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

Hi Jansi ,

Thanks,It is working now.

vasantha@123 (BOB member since 2008-07-01)